

by - 7/13/2019

 With tons of new innovations and technology coming into the e-skating scene, we see our transportation method and our hobby evolving at an extremely rapid rate. Electric Skateboard is truly a part of skating life and are very much here to stay. While browsing the internet searching for more info about electric skates and where to buy them I found a website StrailBoard.  It is a company specialized in designing, manufacturing, marketing and service of electric longboards and motorised skateboards. StrailBoard is the best for Electric Skateboard riders! This company has been in this business for  years and aims to provide high quality e-skateboard at affordable prices. With the latest riding technology and 5 years of experince StrailBoard creates high quality e-boards with the top power battery and waterproof protection. Their goal is to provide world-wide customers, wwether new riders or skillful riders with the best quality and the top service. They care about the riding experience and provide cheap electric longboard available at affordable price.

  Why are electric skateboards so popular? There are a number of reasons for their success. Completely machine powered and controlled by a remote or an app on a smartphone, the beauty of electric skateboards is that they make up for what traditional boards lack. On an electric skateboard, kicking and pushing are now things of the past. With some reaching speeds of up to 25 miles per hour, these devices have the ability to provide faster commute times than a traditional skateboard. They also allow skateboarders to travel uphill, and on new terrain that they may not have been able to before. Many electric skateboards are also equipped with safety brakes so riders never have to worry about losing control of their board. A lot of skaters also praise them as a simple reflection of the technological age we find ourselves in; it’s hard to disagree with this.  Aside from all the cool features, electric skateboards are also cost-efficient. 

  They are everywhere! They race through pedestrian zones, speed through city parks, and curve over lakes: e-boards. We are in the midst of a transportation revolution, and electric transit seems to be the wave of the future. We have had electric cars around for awhile now, and over the last few years electric bikes have taken off, but the latest trend everyone seems to be talking about is the electric skateboard. As of recently, electric skateboards have slowly worked their way onto college campuses, into city streets, and into just about every other urban location you can think of.  Thanks to new tech upgrades, the toy which was long considered just for teenagers is breathing new life into daily commutes. Electric skateboarding is an alternative eco-friendly way to beat traffic and save on gasoline. 

  StrailBoard is offering 4 different StrailBoards. These are one of the best e-boards you can find on the market. Why choose StrailBoard kit? One of the reasons is regenrative brakes. The Strailboard recharges the battery when you brake. Next, it has replacable motor. Lastest Dual 250watt hub Motors with easily Replaceable PU wheels. Next, waterproof ESC. Smoother acceleration and braking performance. And last but not least - replacable parts. It supports replacement, you can easily buy all DIY electric skateboard kit accessories. These are more than enough reasons to consider this brend when buying an electric skateboard for yourself. 

What you think about electric skateboards?



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